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Jul 26, 2022

This JRN podcast poses the question – are we living in traumatic times? Ann McMahon, co-editor in chief of the Journal of Research in Nursing calls on fellow nurses to recognise that their actions are political. Ann argues that nurses should be fully engaged in political decision making at a personal, local,...

May 1, 2014

Professor Dawn Freshwater, guest editor of the March 2014 focus edition of the Journal of Research in Nursing, talks to Dr Philip Esterhuizen from the University of Leeds and Dr Vicki Drury, Principal Consultant, Educare Consulting, Australia. The discussion focuses around leadership in nursing and nursing research...

Mar 1, 2013

Recorded at the Annual RCN International Nursing Research Conference, Professor Freshwater talks about the field of psychological therapies and mental health, and introduces the papers in the focus issue, 'Talking Therapies,' vol 18.2. Important questions are raised about funding, recruitment, profile and implications...

Nov 1, 2012

Guest Editor Professor Annie Topping is in conversation with Journal of Research in Nursing author Lisa Sheeran to discuss the development and trial of a patient-led cancer care website. Lisa’s research is published in a special issue of the Journal with the focus ‘Impact of Technology on Practice,’vol. 17.6.

Apr 4, 2012

Editor-in-Chief Dr Ann McMahon interviews guest editor Dr Cheryll Adams as an accompaniment to the focus issue 'Child and Family Public Health in Practice', vol 17.2